- it rains jelly-babies
- there's no currency-everyone pays in jelly-babies
- trees are made of candy-floss
- Lakes are full of orangeade instead of water
- When people die their souls turn into flowers
- Time passesd much slower and people die at 18 ( Ola likes such drastic scenes ;) )
- Everything is sweet and pink
Our Ideal Country is called Baby-Jellies World :)
Designed by : Ola, Katie and Michael
Hello kids !
OdpowiedzUsuńYou designed very nice ideal country. Lakes, flowers, colours all sounds very good but there should be cats too in this country:)
i hope you will live in such a perfect country !
narazie !
Ten komentarz został usunięty przez autora.
OdpowiedzUsuńFantastic country!!!!
OdpowiedzUsuńMy ideal country it is this. ;-)