
We are the students of Primary School in Chojnice. We started this blog because we truly want to improve our English. Please try to be understanding as we might make some grammar or vocabulary mistakes. We appreciate all of your comments so that we get better and better at this beautiful but difficult language.

środa, 19 marca 2014


                                                                 OUR IDEAL COUNTRY

- it rains jelly-babies

- there's no currency-everyone pays in jelly-babies

- trees are made of candy-floss

- Lakes are full of orangeade instead of water

- When people die their souls turn into flowers

- Time passesd much slower and people die at 18 ( Ola likes such drastic scenes ;) )

- Everything is sweet and pink

Our Ideal Country is called Baby-Jellies World :)

Designed by :  Ola, Katie and Michael

4 komentarze:

  1. Hello kids !

    You designed very nice ideal country. Lakes, flowers, colours all sounds very good but there should be cats too in this country:)

    i hope you will live in such a perfect country !

    narazie !

  2. Ten komentarz został usunięty przez autora.

  3. My ideal country it is this. ;-)
